The Adventure Cure: life changing experiences and tools for more meaningful living, features interviews with people who have gone through paradigm shifts in their lives, as well as mental health experts, exploring questions like "why are we here? "and "how do you define success?" The show takes listeners on an emotional journey as we learn about tools and experiences that can help us find more meaning and improve our mental health.

So many of us have hopes, dreams, and desires that we never take action on. Many of us may feel stuck. Perhaps these stories can help you get “unstuck.” Think of this like the Tim Ferris Show only focusing on meaning instead of performance. Perhaps you are breathing but don’t feel like you are truly alive. What we are after here are stories that can help us live lives that are more full of meaning and purpose as opposed to a bored, uninspiring life lacking direction and passion.

Rob Treppenahl Rob Treppenahl

Episode 05: Max Zoghbi (part 2)

“Friendship: A willingness to be inconvenienced” Learn about Max’s kayaking trip down the Mississippi River as well as the keys to true friendship.

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Rob Treppenahl Rob Treppenahl

Episode 03: Taylor Magee

“The Watch Stealer” Learn how to live an extraordinary life where we are captivated by Wonder as many of us were at age 8!

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