“Learning to Love Ourselves: (Part 1 of 2)

Using Mushrooms with Ruthie Lindsey”

Welcome to Episode #15! This one is short, but it is pretty loaded. In this episode we will be talking with my dear friend Ruthie Lindsey. Ruthie and I grew up in the same small town of St. Francisville, and have been friends for quite a while. Ruthie, how to describe her, well, to take it right off of her instagram bio, she is, among other things, an author, a speaker, and a midwife of souls. Her passion is helping people feel endeared to their own life, body, and soul. Before we dive into this conversation, I need to give you some background on her. At age 17, Ruthie was in a terrible car wreck, hit by an ambulance going 65 mph, leaving her with a broken neck, three broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, and a collapsed lung. Her chances for survival and certainly for walking again were in the single digits. Miraculously, the doctors fused her spinal cord and saved her life, however a few years after the accident, she was riddled with debilitating chronic pain from her injury which she struggled with for another seven or so years. Eventually, she found the strength to wean herself off the narcotics and found a new way to live. She wrote an incredible book about this journey called, “There I am” which is available anywhere you buy books. That story is a little bit of background for this episode as well as next weeks which both feature Ruthie talking about various tools she has used to help with her healing journey, especially from a mental health perspective. In this particular episode, we will be diving into plant medicine as well as EMDR as tools to help us understand ourselves better. In the past several years, the use of psychedelics especially has come into the mainstream medical conversation, including Johns Hopkins, UC Berkeley, and NYU. As far as the psychedelics, I think I should give a bit of a disclaimer, I am not personally endorsing them, nor am I a user of them, but science is beginning to show that they can be very effective tools to fight things like depression, PTSD, and anxiety. 

Photo credit: Sixtysecondbrandstories

HER BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/198210791X?tag=simonsayscom

WEBSITE: http://www.ruthielindsey.com

SOCIAL: www.instagram.com/ruthielindsey

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Episode 14: Nita Sweeney