EPISODE 25: “How to live without a Bucket List: A Story of Adventure, Tragedy, and Resilience” with Ashley Bugge

“How to live without a Bucket List: A Story of Adventure, Tragedy, and Resilience” with Ashley Bugge

Intro: I need to give yall a trigger warning. This episode is very powerful but it is about a story that is incredibly tragic and we will discuss death, suicide, and a lot of hard things. But it will also inspire you to face like with a new level of gusto and freedom. I have done dozens of these interviews and we often talk about hard things, but this one destroyed me.  I think, honestly, it is because I could relate so much to Ashley and her husband, I could project my own life story on hers and so it really hit home for me. So, having that said, keep some kleenex’s close by, because this one is really intense, but I promise, its worth listening to, and pushing through. If you can make it to the 26 minute mark, you’ll be ok. Ashley’s story will rip your heart out and then inspire you to face the hardest things in your life with a new level of perspective and confidence.

Closing thoughts:  Im just going to take a deep breath after this one. Man, what a story. For Ashley, the hardest day of her life ended up opening some really surprising doors for her family and now allows her to encourage, inspire, and walk with others through the challenges that life throws at them through speaking, writing, and new adventures. None of us want to be handed the cards that Ashley has been handed, none of us wants to face unthinkable tragedy, but we all do have a choice at how we react to the hard things that will inevitably come. Will we let them destroy us, or will we use them to propel us to a beautiful but unknown future of growth and discovery. 




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EPISODE 28: Elizabeth (Garrett) Esthay- “Finding a normal life after losing feet and hands at age 18”


EPISODE 23: Orbin Guerra