''Chasing the American Dream: A Near Deadly Border Crossing in Search of a Better Life" with Orbin Guerra

Description: Hello friends, giddy up because this episode is one hell of a ride. Its seems like every day on the news we hear numbers like 5000 migrants crossed the southern U.S. Border today and x number of migrants did x or y and applied for asylum. For many of us, living our comfortable lives as American citizens, these are just statistics that baffle us, but in reality, each one of these numbers is attached to a life, a story, a dream, for a better life. Cue my friend Orbin Guerra. Orbin grew up dirt poor in a small village in Honduras, and dreamed of a better life for his 5 siblings and single mother. One day, at 19, he got the courage to take the few things he had and his hopes and dreams, stuff them into a backpack and head north to try to make it in the great land of freedom and opportunity. What unfolds for him is an unbelievable journey that nearly kills him, all in a desperate attempt to build a new life for himself and his family back home. Long rides on top of trains through tropical jungles, cartels, border patrol, tunnels, all sorts of crazy things face Orbin as he desperately tries to make it to the U.S.  This episode is part 1 of a 2 part series. Part 1 chronicles his journey to get to the U.S. and part 2 details his efforts to find work, a wife, and to live the dream he had always hoped for but never knew was possible.  Ok, let's roll. 

Closing thoughts… Stay tuned for part 2 of Orbin’s story which will come out on the next episode, here Orbin will use his grit and self motivation to try to build the dream he had always hoped for himself and his family back home. Reflecting on this conversation,  it felt like I held my breath for half an hour listening to that amazing story. Its absolutely amazing how hard so many people work just to have the change to put their feet on American soil. The privilege and opportunity we have to live here, in the great U.S. of A, especially if you are a citizen, its phenomenal. Its easy for us to get frustrated about politics and policies, and to get in our various trenches about various issues, but all of this clouds our minds to what is right in front of us, a beautiful land rich with jobs, natural beauty, opportunities for entrepreneurship, and no ceiling on what you can attain. 

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EPISODE 25: “How to live without a Bucket List: A Story of Adventure, Tragedy, and Resilience” with Ashley Bugge


EPISODE 22: Leslie Ferguson