Episode 9: Drew Hall (part 2)

Season 1: Episode 9

“Drew Hall: (2/2) An Incredibly Simple Way to Understand Investing”

“Investments don't make you rich, you can behave yourself into wealth.”- Drew Hall

Welcome to part 2 of my conversation with financial advisor Drew Hall. Today we are going to talk about money money money! But first, a little recap! In the first part of the conversation we dove into how Drew got to where he is now, his internal journey of failure, identity, and finding what really makes him tick. If you haven’t listened to it, I do encourage you to go check it out, but even if you haven’t I think you’ll find this conversation pretty insightful. Ok so in this episode we are going to talk about money and investing. Why are we talking about money on a podcast that is about living a meaningful life? I believe it's because the way we understand money and investing is a huge factor in our level or peace or anxiety, our feeling of success or failure, and our view of what our future holds for us. Sure, most of us would love to win big with crypto or make that one move that sets us up for the rest of our lives, but that is unlikely to happen. So, for the rest of us, what is the best approach? Do we try to beat the market? Do we pick our own stocks? Do we hire someone like Edward jones? Is a financial advisor even worth the money? Can we trust the stock market? 

I'm glad you asked. This is where Drew’s expertise comes in. Why listen to Drew? Well, Drew is not some run of the mill fresh out of school advisor. He manages huge accounts, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions with a single client. He helps incredibly wealthy people make wise decisions with their money so they can get out of their own way, not make foolish decisions, and allow the market to do what it always does, grow. If somebody worth a hundred million dollars trusts this guy with their money, I think he’s worth listening to?  

I think you’ll find his approach to investing incredibly simple and beautiful. Fear drives so many of our decisions, especially when it comes to money. But what if we can, as Drew says, learn to love volatility? Interesting concept isn’t it? Alright, with that little bit of intro, lets go ahead and dive in. 

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Episode 8: Drew Hall (part 1)