My incredible team, December 2022



I’m here to simply help you get your life back. I work with landscapers across the country to help them achieve theirs dreams. Usually they long term work-life balance, more time with their families, and of course, more profitable businesses. I know what it looks like to take a failing business and turn it into a 7 figure profit machine that requires very little owner input. In fact, I recently moved 700 miles away from the city where my landscape company operates.

Maybe your business needs help to grow and scale. Maybe you need to fix your marketing. Maybe your business needs to be stripped down and simplified. Maybe you need to offer a new service type. Maybe your pricing sucks. Or all of the above. It sometimes takes a hundred little tweaks to really get the flywheel going.

I want to help you to make real change in your business so you can experience real change in your personal lives. I was on the far end of it for far too long…drowning in tons of debt, waiting for that next big project, or that next big whatever to happen. It never did. It was not until I made some really hard decisions and totally redesigned my company that I began to really see results. The lessons I learned and the expertise I offer comes from thousands of hours of trial and error, failures and successes, and hard conversations. It came from little wins, learning to say no, and building a phenomenal team.

A word on my company. I founded Treppendahl Landscape in May of 2012. We now service 3000+ clients in the Baton Rouge area, we are on track to do 2.7M in 2024. We have been consistently profitable every year since we made our big pivot in 2017, and it gets better every year. As we grew in profitability, I simultaneously automated the business, essentially working myself out of a job by August of 2022. Now that I have all this spare time, it’s time for me to help my fellow business owners do the same.


MONTHLY COACHING (limited spots left)

  • Two 60 minute calls or in person meetings per month

  • Together, we can dig into whatever issues are holding you back and explore practical solutions to help you achieve more accountability, profitability, and personal time.

  • I am an experienced EOS self implementer and can help you set this up and optimized in your business

  • My specialty is landscaping companies, but I work with other service-based businesses as well.

  • To Get started, click here, fill out your info, and I will setup a 20 minute free assessment call.