Episode 14: Nita Sweeney

“Depression Hates a Moving Target:

How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink”

with author Nita Sweeney

Welcome episode # 14! Today We are continuing on a theme we have touched on quite a bit this season which is mental health, and specifically today we will focus on depression. According to the scientists, at least 300 million people worldwide struggle with depression, and its only getting worse. And here is another interesting stat for you, scientists also have estimated that roughly 53% of the world is unhappy. These numbers are not good. Now, I am no depression expert, but today’s episode guest is. Our guest today is award winning author author and runner Nita Sweeney who is going to take us through her amazing story of going from contemplating suicide in the depths of depression to picking up running which totally changes her life. Before she started running she was overweight, chronically depressed, struggling with bipolar disorder, and barely able to function in life at all. Her journey of running with her dog is an amazing journey that completely transforms her life and mental health. This story reminds us all that its never too late to start something, to make changes in our life, and that often, it just starts with small changes, that we build on over time. I think you’ll really enjoy listening to Nita, and this is just a teaser for the award-winning book she wrote that shares the same title as this episode: “Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink.

Nitas Website: https://nitasweeney.com/
Buy her book: https://nitasweeney.com/about-the-book/
Pre-Order her new book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Make-Every-More-Meditation/dp/1642509892/

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Episode 13: Miles Adcox